The syllabus

To download the full syllabus, click here.


The syllabus is divided in 4 streams:

  • Professional Ethics and Mentoring for 10 credits and 192 hours
  • Educational Research in English for 8 credits and 144 hours
  • ICT in Education for 8 credits and 144 hours
  • Teaching Methodology for 8 credits and 144 hours

Students are also required to write a thesis for 9 credits.

The practicum represents 10 credits.

All in all, students must validate 53 credits to obtain their Master’s degree.

Intensive course

It is important to notice that the course is very intensive. Students must attend all lessons during normal working hours, from Monday to Friday. In addition, a lot of personal work is required on the evening and during the week-end. This is a full-time program, incompatible with other duties.

Also notice that most lessons are delivered in English. This is an important prerequisite to ensure that students can access high quality material and read the last international research.

General Principles

  • Clear and relevant learning objectives
  • Demonstrating the techniques that we are promoting
  • Varying the approaches
  • In-depth learning through readings and other assignments
  • Triggering reflection through Key Discussion Questions (seminar style)


Professional Ethics and Mentoring


  • What remains of the good practices after the initial training or after a workshop?
  • How do teachers behave when the trainer is gone?
  • How would a teacher know that he’s teaching well and has understood the method?

Mentors will:

  • Follow up the professional development of teachers,
  • Provide in-service training,
  • Observe the real practice of the teachers to provide them with feedback.

Mentors should be able to:

  • Understand and explain the principles of Professional Ethics,
  • Create trust in their relation with their mentees
  • Create a growth mindset (with non-judgmental feedback)
  • Organize and inspire an educational community
  • Know how to react when they witness bad behavior in students or teachers.


  • Module 1: Definitions of Teacher Ethics, Theories of Moral Development, and Codes of Behavior (Part 1)
  • Module 2: Definitions of Teacher Ethics, Theories of Moral Development, and Codes of Behavior (Part 2)
  • Module 3: Ethics for Educational Leaders and Managers:
  • Module 4: Valuing the Individual Student: Issues relating to Labeling, Differential Needs, & Student Classification
  • Module 5: Authority in the Classroom
  • Module 6: Mentoring as a Teacher Development Approach (Part 1: Theoretical Considerations
  • Module 7:  Mentoring as a Teacher Development Approach (Part 2: Practical Applications)
  • Module 8: Models of schools in Cambodia and school reforms

 Educational Research in English


  • Lack of pedagogical research material available in Khmer
  • Lack of solid evidence

Mentors are experts who can:

  • Select and read information in English books and articles,
  • Analyze articles with a critical mind,
  • Summarize, contextualize and translate it, in order to make it available for teachers who speak only Khmer
  • Conduct small-scale research on education

NGPRC students write a thesis. In this endeavor, quality is favored over quantity. The first draft is expected in August, and the final version in December the following year.


  • Module 1: Logical Fallacies, Cognitive Biases, and Academic Sources
  • Module 2: Introduction to Educational Research and Its Philosophy
  • Module 3: Basic Statistics in Educational Research
  • Module 4: Methods and Procedures Used in Quantitative Research
  • Module 5: Research Instrument and Data Collection in Qualitative Research
  • Module 6: Methods and Procedures Used in Qualitative Research

ICT in Education


  • To access knowledge for a fraction of the price of a college library,
  • To implement teaching methods that are difficult or impractical, for instance Self-assessment or Differentiated Instruction
  • To reinforce teaching communities,
  • To increase the impact of Mentoring with remote classroom observations (Observic).


  • Module 1: Using Technology to Support Learning Management and Content Creation
  • Module 2: E-safety and Digital Citizenship
  • Module 3: Using the Internet as an Educational Resource
  • Module 4: Using Technology to Support Mentoring
  • Module 5: Using Technology to Support Self-Learning and Student-Centered Learning
  • Module 6: Using Technology to Support Problem- and Project-based Learning
  • Module 7: Computational Thinking as a pedagogical tool
  • Module 8: Distance and Blended Learning

Teaching Methodology

  • Credible Mentors are good teachers.
  • They can demonstrate many teaching techniques.
  • They can explain those techniques to other teachers.
  •  They choose a technique when it is relevant. 
  • Mentors know the advantages and disadvantages of the teaching techniques,
  • They are wise counselors.


  • Module 1: How people learn
  • Module 2: Curriculum and planning
    Module 3: Styles of teaching and school-culture
  • Module 4: Clarity and critical thinking
  • Module 5: Training continuous learners
  • Module 6: Completing and adapting the teacher’s toolbox (Subject-related techniques and focused approaches)
  • Module 7: Principles of Student Assessment

For more details, download the complete syllabus.

Please, note that the syllabus is revised on a yearly basis to take into account the practical experience of our mentors and our latest research on mentoring. For your information, you can download the previous version here:
Syllabus 2019-2020

Syllabus 2020-2021

Syllabus 2021-2022

Syllabus 2022-2023